Here is the visual for you. My wife loves cupcakes (and so do I but maybe not as much as she does) and she heard about
a place in Dallas called Sprinkles of Beverly Hills (now open in Dallas). We decided to drive from our home which is about 25 miles east of their location to see what all the commotion was about. It is a very hot Saturday and we decided to take her car which is a bit older and has no tinting on the windows. She doesn't drive it a lot so the gas tank is never full or half-full for that matter. Actually it usually has less than a quarter of a tank which helps make this story interesting.
When we arrive there is an unbelievable amount of people in line to get a "cupcake". Normally I would have taken one look at the line and said, "we are outta here". But we had made the journey, she wanted to try the precious cupcake (and I guess so did I) and here we stood. Now I don't know about you but I don't spend a lot of time researching the cost of a single cupcake. Here we stand and my wife turns to me and says the price of one cupcake. Once again, do I turn in run or be the sweet supporting husband and open my wallet? Yes, I am the sweet supporting husband (and yes I want a cupcake).
After scouring all the many options, we make our purchase and jump in the car to head back 25 miles to home with our two, yes I said two Sprinkles of Beverly Hills (now open in Dallas) cupcakes. Besides the fact that we only bought two cupcakes, now here is where the fun begins. Remember the above mentioned car? Picture it being very hot, my wife holding a precious box of two expensive cupcakes (yes this is the actual photo) and realizing after getting on the interstate with a slight log jam of vehicles, realizing the gas tank was on empty. This car takes a long time for the AC to cool so here we are burning up, on empty, on the freeway, no gas station in sight and my wife anxiously holding the two precious cupcakes (which we were saving for later after dinner) up to the air vent to keep them from melting. First of all she hates the Dallas heat, she loves her cupcakes and yes is very concerned they will melt because we are stranded on the hot asphalt of a Dallas freeway with no gas.
Well here is the end to our cupcake adventure. We find a gas station just in time, the AC finally cools, the log jam clears and we make it back to the house with cupcakes intact! Yes, I save the day!
Now what about the cupcakes you ask? Those cupcakes...............were okay. Were they the most incredulous, unbelievable tasting cupcakes I had ever eaten? No. But were they tasty? Yes. Here is my point. Were they as great as the hype? Not in my opinion. But someone, the media, the co-worker, the marketer said "you have to try a Sprinkles cupcake". We did and would I do it again? You know drive across town, in the heat, almost stuck on the interstate with no gas, pay twice the price for a cupcake than what they were really worth? Yes! And why you say? It was all worth it to see my wife sit down with her Sprinkles cupcake and coffee in my favorite chair and see the satisfaction on her face as she ate the long awaited "you've got to try the Sprinkles cupcake".
Besides, I wouldn't have this fun story to tell you about and after all, isn't it the fun, silly adventures in life that make it all worth while?
So glad I could give you a good story to tell. Thanks for the memory and the laughs!